
Monday, January 31, 2011

John 1

Read it, then go back and re-read verses 1-5. It could change your life.

Picture # 292
Not 100% happy with this one, I might go back and play around some more.

*Texture by Ruby Blossom

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two cool cats

So it's time to take my picture of the day, and I had an idea in my head, so I walk out of my room to start doing it, when I see my cat just perfectly laid out in the middle of the floor. I decided it was to perfect of a scene to pass up, so I put on some shades and worked it out.

Check out the stink eye, haha she's so funny. Just don't mess with her, she'll take you out!

Picture #291

Thrifty Coffee!

After starting my day right with "Noga" (What my roommate calls the Christian Yoga class) somehow in the afternoon it got turned around. I knew I needed to change my attitude, and quick if I wanted to get anything done today, so I stopped by a thrift store right down the road for a little shopping therapy. I went specifically looking for cool things to wear for a self-portrait. I had such a great time exploring that treasure cove of stuff. I found wedding dresses, but old wedding dresses, with lace/puffy sleeves. And they were only 25 bucks! I wanted to buy one and do another Trash the Dress session. But I don't have the money, so I consoled myself by trying on two ridiculously fabulous 80s party dresses and then two modern dresses I would actually wear out if they didn't have stains on them. I almost bought one, but bought a hat instead. That is going to be an epic picture I'll take soon. Get excited. :) If I ever get some money for my creative endeavors I'm so going to go back there and buy a few more things as props and costumes (hint hint).

Picture # 290
(Check out the sleeves!)

So after this I went back to the apartment to do homework. Amy and Patrick were watching a movie so I finished that with them and then we put in Mr. Bean's Holiday. Words cannot express how much I adore that movie. I could watch it over and over again, it never gets boring. 

 Last, I took a trip out to this great little coffee shop to hang out with a random dude I met on the bus my sophomore year here. He's an online writer and my junior year I happened to read one of his articles and commented on it. He remembered me and we started talking through twitter and facebook about different aspects of Christianity. Well, he came back to school this semester, so we wanted to actually meet up face to face. Worked out really well, we covered a lot of topics and had some really great conversation. It's so awesome when you become friends with someone over social media and it still translates over to real life. 

*Note, I might post some 80s dress pictures on Flickr, not sure yet though. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

What happens when...

Your hair gets a trim? It can actually live again! I got my hair cut by Brittney and the entire time she was like, "Beth, it's breathing now. It can actually breathe!" Yes, I was pretty much killing my hair by not properly caring for it. Swimming a lot over break also did not help. But it's much better now and I give her mad props for her skillz. If anyone at my school needs to get their hair cut I cannot recommend her enough!

Picture # 289

Directly after meeting with Brittney at her dorm I had to walk back to North campus because I was ushering at the Opera tonight. It was really funny, everyone did a great job. I freakin' love Opera so much.  I had really wanted to be in the Opera this year, but decided I didn't have time for it. Now I'm kind of regretting it. Oh well. My friends performing in it were awesome!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today, was a rush day. I had a hard time getting out of bed, I had a quick lunch with an old roommate (Love you Sarah!), got stuck in traffic and couldn't find a parking spot. Then I was supposed to have shot a video today, but because I couldn't get to school on time due to there being no parking, the camera guy left and the other girl who was supposed to be in it asked me to reschedule. I should have called to let them know about the traffic, I wasn't thinking. Oh well. Hopefully we can work this out and do it on Wednesday instead.
Anyway, I've been running around for most of the day, getting things done and working on homework. So my picture today is pretty basic, and completely different from the one I took yesterday. For starters, it was warm, and I was able to have my jacket off. Second, instead of the winter wasteland location, I was in my school's parking lot, about to change to go to the gym. Thank God for sun flare!

Picture # 288

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's a snowing out there!

Wooo got out of school early because of the snow! It was an easy day anyway, but I went back to the apartment and watch Beauty and the Beast with my roomies. It was nice. Now we are all being super quiet and working on homework, with praise music in the background. What a great day. And I just got a text from a friend saying if school is canceled for tomorrow then he is going to walk over for a coffee/study day. Just gotta say, I love snow!
Picture # 287
LOVE IT! Yes, I was super cold, I forgot my gloves... but I think it was worth it. 
So what do you think about snow? What are the best ways you spend a snow day?

*On a more serious note, please be praying for Egypt. There is some very scary stuff going on right now, with the police beating, shooting with rubber bullets, and tear gassing the people who are protesting. Twitter was blocked for awhile, and there is talk of blocking facebook so people can't organize as well. A revolution is happening, and I hope that only good things come out of it. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gym day

The only time I left my apartment today was to go to the gym. I was definitely working on stuff, I just didn't have to leave my room, so I didn't. It was nice. Very peaceful, and Lauren cooked up soft tacos for lunch, so that was amazing. I'm mad jealous of her cooking skills... but as the same time I don't want to put in any of the hard work that she has had to to gain those skills. Such is life. You get what you put in. 

Picture # 286
I took this while waiting for my aerobics class to start. It was worth the wait, but I was so bored before going in!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why so serious?

I went epic killer for my picture today. I was wearing a jacket that looks like it would be leather, so why not?
Picture # 285
Definitely not my best work... but this actually looks much better than what I originally was going to post. I have got to really start stepping up my game with this pictures. I think I'm back in a funk where I only do the minimal to get a shot, instead of really planning out and executing well. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Face palm...ish

I had a few face palm moments today, mostly due to homework. I am going to hate my computer class so much... But it'll be worth it in the end.

Picture # 284
...I think I am going to dye my hair soon. Once again, it is two-toned. But I'm so poor right now! Which makes this a problem.
*Note; My roommate Lauren is one of the best cooks I know. She made Stuffed Peppers tonight, with baked chopped red potatoes and I did not want to stop eating. Yum yum eat 'em up!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Double picture post.

Yes, I realized I skipped yesterday. I had a very stressful morning and even though my day got way better later on, I just needed a break and did not want to document any part of yesterday. I'm posting two to make up for it. Can't believe how fast this project is flying by, almost to 300, that's crazy!

Picture # 282
Haha, my head in a fog. This perfectly showcases my daily life. And I kind of came into this picture by accident by leaving my camera out in my car for a few hours. I brought it in and started taking pictures with it... and voila! The glass steamed up, leaving one epic (I think so anyway) effect.

Picture # 283
Huh, it's funny how both of my picture kind of represent confusion or frustration. Have any of you guys been super frustrated with life? You can vent to me if you'd like!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friend/scriptwriting night

Today has been one weird day, let me tell you. I've been working slowly on a script all day, and I'm finally getting to where I want to be. I also picked up my friend Brittney and we took a trip to the mall. It's a crappy mall, but we had fun looking around and saying that we needed rich boyfriends (Okay... maybe this was more me). We also found $1.50 sunglasses at Forever21 and had to buy two. Then I dropped Brittney off at our friend Scott's new apartment while I ran in to go this cafe where I go to church. I just wanted to ask the pastor a few questions. I walk in, and who do I see? My friend Mike! He had just dropped in to chat as well, which made it really nice. I think we kind of made the pastor's day, because he has been going through a really tough time. Both personally and financially. I went in feeling sorry for myself, but ended up leaving feeling so much better off after listening to what he is going through. I'm praying for him.
Anyway, then I went to hang out again with Brittney over at Scott's. We watched the first two Narnia movies because Brittney hadn't seen them. She gave the most hilarious reactions, and I've decided I need to watch more movies with her!

Picture # 281
Haha, we all be looking so fly. :D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hide and Seek

Wish I had really played. But it was just me, so I guess I was playing hide and seek against myself? Anyway, I really did not want to take my picture today, but I tried. I did find a decent location, but to have really done it justice I needed my prime lens. Oh well.

Picture # 280

It's a shame I didn't save my picture for later on today though. I went over to a friend's house to edit a short film for him, then ended up staying for about four hours! Everyone was talking, we had ice cream, and played a good ole game of cards. Definitely want to do it again soon. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Purple Dress!

I am continuing this "series" with another candle picture. Once again with Amy's help. But I had fun and I got to wear my purple dress that I found bargain hunting in Egypt. Always a plus.

Picture # 279
Hopefully tomorrow I'll shoot outside my apartment. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Red Shoes!

This seems to be a cliche to do in the self-portrait realm, but I honestly was not aware how much it really was when I shot it. Then I looked on Flickr (I like this girl's pictures)and was astounded. There are some phenomenal pictures up there.
Picture # 278
My roommate Amy had to help me with this one. The candle is lit, and it took some serious skill to make sure it didn't fall off and light me on fire. It was quite a sight to see though, since Amy was standing by the wall with the candle in her hands, I would start off by the camera, press the button, jump/roll into place, and try to get my feet flat enough to balance the candle before the timer was done. It was MADNESS! But fun. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My last FIRST day

is tomorrow! Crazy how fast time floes by. I'm excited and ready to be down, but at the same time I love being in college and the opportunities it gives me. As tough as school is, life is easy here.

Picture # 277
My room looks kind of bare here, but it's definitely decorated! My roommate and I use our walls for inspiration. Posters and hand written signs are up everywhere, I love it. Anyhoo, I'm off to get a good night's sleep for my first day back. All my syllabi are printed out and stapled, so basically all I have to do tomorrow is pack and make lunch to bring. And remember to drive in early enough to get a decent parking spot. Those are hard to come by on my campus.

My cat, cooperative?

My cat is a little diva. But she loves me. I'm pretty much the only person who can get away with half the stuff I do with her. Though granted, most of the time it's just us chilling. She'll be sleeping on my bed while I'm typing away on here (Exactly what is happening now...). But I was honestly surprised she let me place her in the chair and proceed to take multiple pictures. It went pretty well, even though she wasn't quite facing the right direction. I turned her a few times, but then she would just leave. Then come back.

Picture # 276
Not my best, but I was in a time crunch. I had a few others that looked really good but needed to much work in photoshop for me to post up here by a decent timeframe. Oh well. You live and you learn. Bed time... I've got church tomorrow! 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, I made it back to my school. I walked into my apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. The trip was really tough today, but I made it without any accidents or anything. My poor cat though. She had a really rough journey. Now she's curled up on my bed with me just purring away.

Picture # 275
After I made my bed and put some stuff away I went over to my friend Sarah's house. We then tried to put together her desk from Ikea, but it was way more complicated than it should have been. So my friend Kevin and I called it a night while Sarah and Megan were still going. I wish them well. <3

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Working hard? Or hardly working?

Well, my plans fell through for tomorrow, so I ended up staying in my hometown for an extra day. I'll be leaving right after lunch or so tomorrow. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty disappointed. Glad to be able to stay at home for a bit, but I was supposed to have a job this semester and that just got pulled out from underneath me. I understand, because this is amazing for the family, it's free childcare. But still, it sucks for me!

Picture # 274
Oh, I had fun with this outfit! And the fact that I am on a big ol' tractor makes it ten times cooler. Yes it does. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Quarter life crisis?

That's what one of my friend's says he is going through.  I think I am going through it too. Apparently it's what people around my age get when they are about to graduate and enter into the real world. It explains a lot, that's for sure!

Picture # 273
This picture would have turned out so much better if it was zoomed in so close. Shame. Oh well. 

Anyway, shout out to my friends Andrew and Mark for coming out to say bye to me tonight! I had fun, and I always learn a lot when conversing with the two of them. :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Going to school!

So my family has this old desk that we picked up somewhere when I was really young. I think it came from my dad's old barn. Before my grandfather sold the barn, we took out everything that was wanted from it and I'm pretty sure that's when we got the desk. It's pretty cool, and still very easy to use.

Picture # 272

And sad day, I'm driving back to school on Thursday. I'm excited to go back, but I can't believe break went by this fast and I'm not ready!!! I'm not ready to start my last semester, I'm not ready to graduate and go into the real world. I love being a kid, I love have the knowledge that college is safe. Funny how I feel this way, yet I want to travel the world as a solo female traveler? Crazy. That's what I am. 

I found a....

Minnie Mouse hat! Yes, this is my picture today. Pure awesomeness!

Picture # 271
Didn't do to much today... Got up for MOPs (Babysitting at church), worked out, hung out with my friend Kaitlyn, and got into a serious reading zone. Like seriously, I used to be such a book worm back in the day. I remember getting put in detention for reading a couple times... Anyway I haven't been reading many books lately, but today both my sister and I read in our rooms for about six hours, at least! We are reading through the Hunger Games trilogy, and oh my gosh it is phenomenal!!! So hard to put down. Might have to have another reading day tomorrow as well....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bare motivation

That's where I am today. I simply did not want to take my picture today, and there really isn't an excuse for it. As much as I love being creative and figures out good ways to take amazing shots, today I was just not feeling it. Oh well. It didn't turn out too bad...

Picture # 270
I'm wearing the blazer today because tomorrow it goes to Good Will. I've had it for quite a while now and barely wear it. It's a fun one though.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love for people

Well, what is there about love? There are so many things I could say, so many stories to tell. But in today's context I'm talking about the Spiritual fruit. Last year my pastor did a sermon, "Ten in 2010." He gave out little cards to remind us if we chose to focus on one. I had chosen to focus on Self-Discipline. Up until about June I did really well with following through on what I had promised before God. But unfortunately most of my summer and especially this fall that kind of fell to the wayside. For the new year I decided that I should at least still try to keep up with what his sermon was about, but concentrate on loving people. If I am told to love my neighbor as myself, I better make sure I am doing that, shouldn't I?

Picture # 269  

* My pastor is doing a new sermon series, about living like this is your last year to live. What with all the hoopla about 2012 and the Mayan calendar I guess they decided to take advantage of that. They don't believe in it, but it does make it easy to bring up the subject of living life radically. I approve, since I wholeheartedly want to live life to the fullest. :)


Well, I completely missed my midnight deadline today, but whatever. I went to my friend Faith's wedding tonight, and a few of my girlfriends and I hung out after the reception. I didn't get home this late, but stayed downstairs talking with my sister who had been up watching a movie for awhile. It was good. I had some great conversations all around. While tonight was not something I would repeat often, I would definitely do it again. Grace and Kaitlyn are just some cool chicks to hang out with.

Picture # 268
Kaitlyn dropped me off after the wedding (I'll be posting a few pictures to my flickr) and we had some good times. We've known each other pretty much our entire lives, but it seems we travel in and out of crossing ways. I feel like I hadn't seen her in over a year, but it was easy to just pick up and continue on being friends. She's very open and easy going, which is such a nice way to be. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not taking any chances.

I'm posting way earlier than normal just in case blogger goes down again. SO frustrating. Anyway, I hit Golden hour just perfectly today!

Picture # 267
Oh deserted houses... The creepiness vibe they have is astounding. I wanted to get away from this place as soon as I got out of my car! The cold probably helped that feeling too... haha. 

GRRRR Blogger was down last night

Man, I was all set to go with my picture last night and I log on to try and post... but blogger was having major issues last night. So I went to bed instead.
Anyway, yesterday I was sorting through a bunch of junk in my room and found some awesome props. It's amazing what you can find when you start cleaning stuff out.
Picture # 266
Haha, check out the costume necklace and 80s glasses. I was wearing the glasses properly, but this turned out to be my favorite picture. I guess that means you guys just miss out on my nerdy goodness. Maybe I'll post one or two to Flickr.
On another note, I cleared off a my desk and set up a workstation! I feel 10 times more productive already, it's awesome. It's not perfect yet, I need a new desk chair since the one I'm using now is to high and not very comfortable. But it's a start!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Only 100 pictures left!

Where is my time going?! Crazy how life flies by as you start getting older. Anyway, there is basically a marsh in front of my house, and today I decided to take the girls out there and get some shots. It was super awkward, b/c we really didn't have much room, and to balance on that little island took some real skill. You can't see it but i had set the camera on another island, quickly steppen on a half-submerged log and got into place. I got water in both of my shoes, but it wasn't too bad, just cold since the water was lightly iced over. And as we all know, I sure can put up with some cold water

Picture# 265

*Mad props to anyone who can spot the dog. The first person who emails me ( with a description of the dog and her location will receive one high res photo posted on here or on my flickr, your choice. Speaking of which, any other pictures from my photoshoots or for clients will be posted on flickr until I can get enough money together to create my professional website (hopefully sometime this spring). But there is just not enough free space in this blogger account to be able to continue like I had. This is the best thing I can think of to do so i won't have to spend any money. My apologies!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Flower power

My cousin Emily has these amazing flowers at her house. I definitely wanted to highlight a few but ended up accidentally cropping myself out of most of my pictures. I then got some straight on ones that looked really good in camera but then when I was reviewing, none of them stood out to me. The more I looked at them, the more I disliked them. This one however, I kept coming back to. I love the simplicity of it, and how it's off center but still pretty dang symmetrical. It's not perfect, but I like it a lot. What do you think?
Picture # 264
And tomorrow my friend Jocelyn is coming over and it looks like her, my sister, and I are going to have a photo-shoot! And in the afternoon visit my old high school... Tomorrow will be interesting for sure.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I can be one weird clown

To my dear friend Brittney, I'm sorry. I hope my sudden clown hairstyle does not scare you. <3...
I got a lot done today, starting with going to church! Then I went through a few sections of my room and sorted a whole bunch of stuff into two bags. One bag to donate and one bag to throw out. I finished with two of each. Tomorrow I hope to get a lot more done in my room. I also plan to hang out with my cousin Emily!
Picture # 263
Oh yeah, I remembered I had written this last year. I might do another one like it, but I haven't had time. 2010 was definitely  big year for me, but so much of it has been based around or happened because of my 365 project, I feel like I should just wait until whenever I finish. We'll see!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First day of 2011!

Wooo!!! I went a little crazy with the sparkling cider after the ball dropped. I love that stuff so much. Way better than alcohol.
Picture # 262
Most of my day was spent traveling back home and relaxing. I reflected some, wrote out a few resolutions, but nothing major. This first week I'm going to take the time that I didn't have in Rhode Island to review 2010 and think about what I would like to accomplish in 2011. Number one goal, GRADUATION!!! 

*Note, so apparently I'm running out of photo space on here... so I might have to create another blog to keep going or go through and delete some pictures? I'm going to look into this more. 
Stay tuned! I've got some exciting stuff to talk about on here this month!