
Monday, November 8, 2010

Hair dyed and a photoshoot

GREAT day today. Not much for school work, but definitely got a lot accomplished.
And yes... I did dye my hair. Let me take you through my process.
Step 1:
Document old hair. 

Step 2:
Wait a ridiculously long time for the dye to take. 
 Good thing I had my friend Sarah to wait with me. I'll probably write up a huge blog about her mad skills tomorrow. 
Step 3: 
Make sure all the dye is out!
Step 4:
Dry and see how it turned out.
It's hard to see the real color in this pic but I really like how it turned out. It's not very dramatic but it's a lot less two-toned. In some lighting it doesn't look red at all, but just a warm dark brown. Which makes me very happy, because that is my natural hair color!

Picture # 211

 Sarah (who also helped dye my hair...) is taking a photoshop class and needed some images to work with. So she did some fun make-up and we went outside. I'll probably post a pic or two tomorrow, just to showcase her work, but since I wasn't behind the camera I figured I still had to take one more. :)
Oh, and meet LU (pronounced Lou), our beta who lives on our counter. And the random half-person you see is Patrick, Amy's boy-friend who half lives here, haha.

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