
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hug a Beth Day!

So... last night was a rough night. Emotions were at an all-time high and I was stressed. But today, the clouds parted and life was good again. After I completed my Physics exam. :P And right after my Physics exam I hopped onto facebook and saw that my little sister had created a facebook event just for me because she knew I was going through a rough time. It was perfect. I didn't get very many hugs, since most of the people who clicked attending do not attend my school, lol. But I definitely appreciated everything! I got some great encouraging messages. :)

Anyway, today I started test shooting for an upcoming self-portrait as well as a photo shoot for a friend who wants to be an actor. I'm trying to build my portfolio and he needs head shots so it works out pretty well. But I want to do a good studio job so I need to find the best background to get the best look for him. Next time I try studio lighting it'll be a much darker background.
First shot out of the camera... 

Picture # 185

I also really like this one. Though my hair looks so blonde in this picture it's ridiculous. I don't want to use chemicals to get rid of it, but I seriously miss my all dark hair. Maybe I'll track down some Henna or something. And it needs to be soon! 

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